Saturday, January 3, 2009


I just watched In Bruges.  And I really enjoyed it, despite having to leave the room during some of the extra-violent parts.  I suppose I'm becoming a little more accustomed to violence; I've actually been able to admit enjoying, and recommending, some relatively violent movies (The Beat My Heart Skipped, Slumdog Millionaire).

I guess the deciding factor is whether the violence seems gratuitous, and it doesn't in In Bruges

I really liked this film because it has a really different mix of genres.  I suppose it's most clearly a "shoot-em-up" hitman flick, but it's also an affecting story about human relationships, and finally, it's really funny, despite its humor being juxtaposed with a fair amount of disturbing death and destruction.  Even the last lines of the film, which should be sad, make you laugh at the same time.  

Colin Farrell does a great job proving again that he actually can act (I've thought he was a solid actor since Phone Booth, but I think a lot of people don't consider him to be a "serious" actor.)  

All in all, I'd definitely enjoy watching this again (now that I know when to avoid all the bloody scenes); I'll just need to watch a cheesy romantic comedy in the meantime.  Or maybe a documentary about musicians and the meaning of classical music.  (Since I think that's what's next on the Netflix queue.  Thanks, Dad.)

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