Thursday, February 7, 2008


Atonement--Blah. It was OK, actually. But I think I'll forget that one pretty fast. I'll probably even forget the definitely-attractive male romantic lead, James McAvoy, unless he gets some awesome lead roles in the future. He's definitely a good actor, and it shows in this film.

Keira Knightley, on the other hand, is pretty annoying. I've decided that fairly conclusively after watching this film.

Mom and I both agreed that the first half of the film is quite absorbing and interesting; this is where stuff actually happens, and the plot moves quickly. It's the second half, which is just James McAvoy at war (yeah, war sucks, we get it!) and Keira Knightly pining for him, and the girl, Briony trying to sent things right. Which she doesn't actually do.

This pic's nominated for a Best Picture award. I've seen 4 out of 5 of the nominations, and at this point I'd say No Country for Old Men deserves the award most. Although I have yet to see Michael Clayton. But I doubt that film will really make me think as hard afterwards as No Country did.

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